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- Establecido: 1989
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Complicated is easy – easy is difficult: Klaus Botta’s goal is always to develop logical products that can be operated intuitively. He intentionally dispenses with any superfluous elements, and pairs superior functionality with outstanding design. The prime example of this is the revolutionary UNO one-hand watch developed by Klaus Botta – the first wristwatch in the modern era to employ the one-hand principle. For this and a number of other products, the industrial designer has so far won 58 national and international awards. There is one key question that Klaus Botta always asks at the start of each development process: What if the product had never existed? Taking the example of a watch, this would mean that the most logical kind of watch would be one with just a single hand and a 24-hour scale. The one-hand principle simplifies the way time is presented and read.
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- Uno 24 $815,00